%q{Case Statements}
# Use case to match constants case age when 5 start_questioning when 21 start_drinking end
# Can also match regexes case order_id when /^\d+/ handle_online_order(order_id) when /^offline_(\d+)/ # Use a regex capture handle_offline_order($1) else raise InvalidOrderNumber end
# Can also match ranges case age when 0..12 "child" when 13..19 "teenager" when 20..200 "adult" else raise InvalidAge end
# Can also match types case Math::PI when String raise ShouldNotRun when Float # executes this code path when Hash raise ShouldNotRun end
# Can also match procs and lambdas case number when proc {|x| x.positive?} "Positive" when lambda {|x| x.negative?} "Negative" end
# Can also match multiple things case thing when "one", "two" # Same types of matchers when 2..3, 5, 7, Float # Different types of matchers end
| %q{Regular Expressions}
# You can match a regular expression /0x[a-f0-9]+/.match '0xabc' => #<MatchData "0xabc">
/0x[a-f0-9]+/.match 'abc' => nil
# You can also use the match operator /0x[a-f0-9]+/ =~ '0xabc' => 0
/0x[a-f0-9]+/ =~ 'abc' => nil
# Scan to count the number of matches '0xdead 0xbeef'.scan /0x[a-f0-9]+/ => ["0xdead", "0xbeef"]
'abc'.scan /0x[a-f0-9]+/ => []
# How to use capture groups /0x[a-f0-9]+/ =~ '0xabc' => 0 $1 => nil
/(0x[a-f0-9]+)/ =~ '0xabc' => 0 $1 => "0xabc"
# You can capture more than one /(def)(ghi)/ =~ 'abcdefghi' => 3 $1 => "def" $2 => "ghi" $3 => nil
# You can capture backreferences /(def)(\1)/ =~ 'defdef' => 0 $1 => "def" $2 => "def" $3 => nil
# $1 is basically the same as: Regexp.last_match[1] => "def"
# Substitute one with regex 'abc,abc,abc'.sub(/abc/, "def") => "def,abc,abc"
# Substitute all with regex 'abc,abc,abc'.gsub(/abc/, "def") => "def,def,def"