# All things in ruby are objects 1.is_a? Object => true
'this'.is_a? Object => true
# Create new instance of Object Object.new => #<Object:0x007fe9ac8fa258>
# Define a method def greet 'hello' end
# Call the method greet => "hello"
# Define a method on all Objects class Object def greet 'hello' end end
Object.new.greet => "hello"
Object.new.respond_to? :greet => true
# Define method on an object cheatsheet = Object.new
def cheatsheet.title 'The Ruby Cheatsheet' end
# Get methods accessible by object cheatsheet.methods => [:title, :instance_variable_defined?, ...
# Get methods defined on object cheatsheet.methods(false) => [:title]
# Get the method object title = cheatsheet.method(:title) => #<Method: #<Object:0x...>.title>
# Call it title.call => "The Ruby Cheatsheet"
| # Objects are instances of a class cheatsheet.class => Object
# Show inheritance cheatsheet.class.ancestors => [Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# Show owner cheatsheet.method(:method).owner => Kernel
cheatsheet.method(:==).owner => BasicObject
# Define classes like this class Book end => Book
# Assign class to a constant Book = Class.new => Book
# You can also declare classes like this book = Class.new => #<Class:0x00007fd9e102d830>
# Objects can have instance variables class Book def initialize(title) @title = title end end
b = Book.new("The Ruby Cheatsheet")
b.instance_variables #=> [:@title] b.instance_variable_set( :@title, "The Ruby Cheatsheet v2")
b.instance_variable_get(:@title) #=> "The Ruby Cheatsheet v2"
# Classes can have class variables class Book @@size = 12 end
b.class_variable_set(:@@size, 20)
b.class_variable_get(:@@size) => 20